Psychology of Sauna and Cold Water Immersion: How Can You Improve Your Wellbeing?
One of the primary psychological benefits of sauna sessions is the release of endorphins. Often referred to as the "feel-good" hormones, endorphins are neurotransmitters that promote feelings of euphoria and reduce perceptions of pain. When you subject your body to heat or cold, the stress triggers endorphin release, leading to a heightened sense of well-being. This endorphin boost can result in an elevated mood, leaving you feeling happier, more energised, and emotionally balanced after a session.
Unlocking Wellness Through Heat: The Health Benefits of Regular Sauna Sessions
As life moves at a fast pace, finding time to restore balance and calm can be difficult. Discovering a regime that offers effective relaxation and rejuvenation is key, and one method has stood the test of time.
Regular sauna sessions offer numerous physical and mental well-being benefits. Let’s explore how this simple yet powerful health ritual can help you.